Wetenschappelijke publicaties 2012
- Benschop, C. C. G. (2012). On the effects of sampling, analysis and interpretation strategies for complex forensic DNA research with focus on sexual assault cases. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
- Benschop, C. C. G., Haned, H., Blaeij, T. de, Meulenbroek, A. J., & Sijen, T. (2012). Assessment of mock cases involving complex low template DNA mixtures: A descriptive study. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 6(6), 697-707.
- Benschop, C. C. G., Quaak, F. C. A., Boon, M. E., Sijen, T., & Kuiper, I. (2012). Vaginal microbial flora analysis by next generation sequencing and microarrays; can microbes indicate vaginal origin in a forensic context? International Journal of Legal Medicine, 126(2), 303-310.
- Berger, C. E. H., & Ramos, D. (2012). Objective paper structure comparison: Assessing comparison algorithms. Forensic Science International, 222(1-3), 360-367.
- Berger, C. E. H., & Sjerps, M. (2012). Reaction to Hamer and Thompson in LPR. Law, Probability and Risk, 11(4), 373-375.
- Berger, C. E. H., Buckleton, J. S., Champod, C., Evett, I. W., & Jackson, G. (2012). RE: Response to Jamieson regarding “More on the Bayesian Approach and the LR. Science and Justice, 52(3), 203.
- Berger, C. E. H., Robertson, B., & Vignaux, G. A. (2012). Interpreting scientific evidence. In I. Freckleton & H. Selby (Eds.), Expert Evidence (Chapter 28).
- Bolck, A., Stoel, R. D., Alberink, I. & Sjerps, M. J. (2012). LR models for evidence evaluation. Chinese Journal of Forensic Sciences, 63(4), 37-62. http://www.chsfjd.cn/EN/Y2012/V63/I4/37
- Bos, J. van den, & Storm, T. van der (2012). Domain-Specific Optimization in Digital Forensics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7307, 121-136.
- Bruin, K .G. de, Verheij, S. M., Veenhoven, M., & Sijen, T. (2012). Comparison of stubbing and the double swab method for collecting offender epithelial material from a victim’s skin. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 6(2), 219-223.
- Doodkorte, L. (2012). Testing the performance of 'GIWIS', Groningen Intelligent Writer Identification System. Amsterdam: Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
- Duinmaijer, M. H., Zanten, Z. Y. van, Hoven, P. van den, Bruin, K. G. de, & Weerd, J. van der. (2012). On the exploitation of secondary fibre transfer: The use of flock fibres as a tracer. Chinese Journal of Forensic Sciences, 64(5), 40-45.
- Font, L., Peijl, G.J.Q. van der, Wetten, I. van, Vroon, P., Wagt, B. van der, & Davies, G. (2012). Strontium and lead isotope ratios in human hair: investigating a potential tool for determining recent human geographical movements. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 27(5), 719-732.
- Geradts, Z., & Elzinga, D-J. (2012). Heart Beat Detection in Snuff Movies. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Science, 18, 144-145.
- Geradts, Z., & Houten, W. van. (2012). Camera Identification for collections of images and video with Photo Response Non Uniformity. PP-202, IALM 2012. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 126(Supplement 1), 187-188.
- Geradts, Z., & Zoun, R. (2012). Analysis of Corrupt Video Files With Open Source Initiative Defraser. Proceedings American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 18, 146.
- Geradts, Z., Ruifrok, A.C.C., & Oude Grotebevelsborg, B. (2012). Facial Image Comparison combined with image comparison of hands and other body parts. OP/054, IALM 2012. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 126(Supplement 1), 59.
- Goot, F.R.W. van de, Begieneman, M.P., Groen, M.W.J., Gerretsen, R.R.R., & Erp, M.A.J.J. (2012). Moisture Inhibits the Decomposition Process of Tissue Buried in Sea Sand: A Forensic Case Related Study. Journal of Forensic Research, 3(10), 176.
- Grutters, M., Doggers, J., & Hendrikse, J.N. (2012). Performance Testing of the New AMPAC Fire Debris Bag Against Three Other Commercial Fire Debris Bags. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 57(5), 1290-1298.
- Haned, H., Slooten, K-J., & Gill, P. (2012). Exploratory data analysis for the interpretation of low template DNA mixtures. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 6(6), 762-774.
- Houten, W. van, & Alberink, I. (2012). Implementation of the Likelihood Ratio Framework for Camera Identification Based on Sensor Noise Patterns. Proceedings American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 18, 145.
- Houten, W. van, & Geradts, Z. (2012). Using Anisotropic Diffusion for Efficient Extraction of Sensor Noise in Camera Identification. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 57(2), 521-527.
- Houwing, S., Legrand, S-A., Mathijssen, R.P.M., Verstraete, A.G. , & Brookhuis, K.A. (2012). Repeatability of THC measurements for oral fluid collection methods. Forensic Science International, 223(1-3), 266-72.
- Jongh, A. de, & Rodríguez, C.M. (2012). Performance Evaluation of Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems for Specific Conditions Observed in Casework Using Simulated Fingermarks. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 57(4), 1075-1081 .
- Kerkhoff, W. & Mattijssen, E.J.A.T. (2012). A Method for Reducing the Powder Charge of Rimfire Cartridges. AFTE Journal, 44(1), 55-60.
- Liwicki, M., Malik, M.I., Alewijnse, L., Heuvel, E. van den, & Found, B. (2012). ICFHR 2012 Competition on Automatic Forensic Signature Verification (4NsigComp 2012). Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR)", Bari, Italy, 18 - 20 september 2012, 823-828.
- Lock, C.M., Brust, H., Breukelen, M. van, Dalmolen, J., Koeberg, M., & Stoker, D.A. (2012). Investigation of Isotope Lankages between Precursor Materials and the Improvides High Explosive Product Hexamethylene Triperoxide Diamine. Analytical Chemistry, 84(11), 4984-4992.
- Neuteboom, W. (2012). ENFSI - The European Network of Forensic Science Institutes. CEPOL European Police Science and Research Bulletin, (7), 4-10.
- Robertson, B., Vignaux, G.A., & Berger, C.E.H. (2012). Discussion on the paper by Neumann, Evett and Skerrett: Quantifying the weight of evidence from a forensic fingerprint comparison. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 175(2), 407-408.
- Rodriguez, C.M., Jongh, A. de, & Meuwly, D. (2012). Introducing a Semi-Automatic Method to Simulate Large Numbers of Forensic Fingermarks for Research on Fingerprint Identification. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 57(2), 334-42.
- Schoina, A., Pacque, T., Dalmolen, J., Koeberg, M., Asten, A. van, Zeeuw, J. de, ... Grossman, S. (2012). Head space SPME sampling and vacuum outlet GC-MS for the non-invasive detection of organic explosives at the crime scene. Chinese Journal of Forensic Science, (4), 14-27.
- Sjerps, M.J., & Berger, C.E.H. (2012). How clear is transparent? Reporting expert reasoning in legal cases. Law, Probability and Risk, 11(4), 317-329.
- Slooten, K. (2012). Match probabilities for multiple siblings. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 6(4), 466-468.
- Stoel, R. D., & Sjerps, M. J. (2012). Interpretation of forensic evidence. In S. Roeser, R. Hillerbrand, P. Sandin & M. Peterson (Eds.), Handbook of Risk Theory (pp. 135-158).
- Vermeij, E., Rijnders, M., Pieper, P., & Hermsen, R. (2012). Interaction of bullets with intermediate targets: Material transfer and damage. Forensic Science International, 223(1-3), 125-135.
- Vermeij, E., Zoon, P., Chang, S., Keereweer, W., Pieterman, R., & Gerretsen, R. R. R. (2012). Analysis of microtraces in invasive traumas using SEM/EDS. Forensic Science International, 214(1-3), 96-104.
- Weiler, N.E.C., Matai, A.S., & Sijen, T. (2012). Extended PCR conditions to reduce drop-out frequencies in low template STR typing including unequal mixtures. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 6(1), 102-107.
- Whitcomb, C. M., Geradts, Z., Baker, D. W., & Liptai, L. L. (Eds.) (2012). Forensic Digital and Multimedia Sciences: Proceedings 2009-2011. Colorado Springs: American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
- Zoon, P., Gerretsen, R. R. R., Chang, S., Keereweer, W., Pieterman, R. , & Vermeij, E. (2012). Microanalysis of Invasive Traumas - an integrated multidisciplinary approach into the manner of death. Chinese Journal of Forensic Science, (4), 54-61.