Wetenschappelijke publicaties 2011
- Aronson, L & J. van den Bos (2011). Towards an Engineering Approach to File Carver Construction. Workshop Proceedings of the 35th Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSACW) 2011. IEEE, 368-373.
- Aarts, L.H.J., R.J. Bink (2011). The Success Rate of Forensic DNA-profiling of Contact Traces on Adhesive Tape. 19th IAFS WORLD MEETING, Book of Abstracts, 619.
- Benschop, C., H. Haned & T. Sijen (2011). Consensus and pool profiles to assist in the analysis and interpretation of complex low template DNA mixtures. International Journal of Legal Medicine, December 2011.
- Benschop, C. & T. Sijen (2011). Revision and implementation of the SAFE kit used in the Netherlands. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 3, e425–e426.
- Berger, C.E.H., Buckleton, J.S., Champod, C., Evett, I.W., Jackson, G. (2011) Response to Faigman et al. Sci. Justice 2011, 51, 215.
- Berger, C.E.H., Buckleton, J.S., Champod, C., Evett, I.W., Jackson, G. (2011). Evidence evaluation: a response to the Appeal Court judgment. R v T. Sci. Justice, 51, 43-49.
- Berger, C.E.H., J.S. Buckleton, C. Champod, I.W. Evett & G. Jackson (2011). Expressing evaluative opinions: A position statement. Sci. Justice, 51, 1-2.
- Bhoelai, B., Bas J. de Jong, M. de Puit & T. Sijen (2011). Effect of common fingerprint detection techniques on subsequent STR profiling. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 3, e429–e430.
- Blencowe, T., A. Pehrsson, P. Lillsunde, K. Vimpar, S. Houwing, B. Smink, R. Mathijssen, T. van der Linden, S.-A. Legrand, K. Pil & A. Verstraete (2011). An analytical evaluation of eight on-site oral fluid drug screening devices using laboratory confirmation results from oral fluid, Forensic Science International, 208, 173–179.
- Bolck, A. & I. Alberink (2011). Variation in Likelihood Ratios for forensic evidence evaluation of XTC tablets comparison, Journal of Chemometrics, 25, 41-49. DOI: 10.1002/cem.1361.
- Bos, J. van den & T. van der Storm (2011). Bringing Domain-Specific Languages to Digital Forensics. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2011. ACM, 671-680.
- Bos, J. van den, M. Hills, P. Klint, T. van der Storm & J.J. Vinju (2011). Rascal: From Algebraic Specification to Meta-Programming. Proceedings Second International Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Model-based Software Engineering (AMMSE) 2011. EPTCS 56, 15-32.
- Bouwmeester, M., S. Gorre, C. Rodriquez & M. de Puit (2011). A Comparison of Reagents for the Visualization of Blood Prints on Knives with Black Handles, J. For. Ident., 2011, 61, 4, 353.
- Bruin, K. de, S. Verheij, M. Veenhoven & T. Sijen (2011). Comparison of stubbing and the double swab method for collecting offender epithelial material from a victim’s skin. Forensic Science International: Genetics.
- Dongen, C. van, K. Slooten, M. Slagter, W. Burgers & W. Wiegerinck (2011). Bonaparte: Application of new software for missing persons programme, Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 3, e119-e120.
- Es, A.J.J. van, W. Wiarda, M.R. van Breukelen & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2011). Casework IRMS/ICPMS Examples in the Netherlands (05-09-2011 | pdf-document, 75 KB). Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 63th Annual Meeting, Chicago, February 21-26, 2011, 38-39.
- Font, L., G.J.Q. van der Peijl, M.R. van Breukelen, P. Horn & G. Davies (2011). Sr and Pb isotopes in human hair: tools for recent geographical movement determination. JAAS, 2011, submitted for publication.
- Geradts, Z., Rudin, L., Vorderbruegge, R., Alberink, I. & A. Ruifrok (2011). Forensic Multimedia Analysis. Proceedings of American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Chicago, 2011 p. 19.
- Geradts, Z. (2011). Camera Identification in Large Databases of Images. Proceedings of American Academy of Forensic Science, 2011, p. 144.
- Geradts, Z. (2011). ENFSI Forensic IT Working group Digital Investigation, 8 (2), p.94-95, Nov 2011. doi:10.1016/j.diin.2011.09.003
- Haas, C., et al. (2011). RNA/DNA co-analysis from blood stains - Results of a second collaborative EDNAP exercise. Forensic Science International: Genetics.
- Haned, H. & P. Gill (2011). Analysis of complex DNA mixtures using the Forensim package. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 3, e79–e80.
- Hoogstrate, A.J. & C.A.J. Klaassen, (2011). Minimizing the Average Number of Inspections for Detecting Rare Items in Finite Populations. Proceedings of the European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC) 2011. IEEE Computer Society, 203-208.
- Houten, W. van, I. Alberink & Z. Geradts (2011). Implementation of the likelihood ratio framework for camera identification based on sensor noise patterns, Law, Probability and Risk, 10, 149−159.
- Karst, W.A. (2011). Review of: Lantz PE et al. Fatal acute intracranial injury, subdural hematoma, and retinal hemorrhages caused by stairway fall. Quarterly Update 2011;18(4):29-30.
- Karst, W.A. & R.R. van Rijn (2011). Letter to the editor: Unexplained Fractures: Child Abuse or Bone Disease: A Systematic Review (01-09-2011 | pdf-document, 0.14 MB), Clin Orthop Relat Res, 469(9):2654-5.
- Liwicki, M., Blumenstein, M., Found, B., van den Heuvel, C.E., Berger, C.E.H., Stoel, R. (Eds.) (2011). Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Automated Forensic Handwriting Analysis, Vol. 768, CEUR-WS.
- Liwicki, M., Malik, M.I., van den Heuvel, C.E., Chen, X., Berger, C.E.H., Stoel, R., Blumenstein, M., Found, B. (2011). Signature Verification Competition for Online and Offline Skilled Forgeries (SigComp2011), in: 11th Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition 2011, 1480-1484.
- Meulenbroek, A.J., T. Sijen, C. Benschop & A. Kloosterman (2011). A practical model to explain results of comparative DNA testing in court. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 3, e325–e326.
- Oostveen, M.I., Oosting, R. & B.E. Smink (2011). Haaranalyse door het Nederlands Forensisch Instituut bij het vermoeden van een aan drug of geneesmiddel gerelateerd misdrijf, PW Wetenschappelijk Platform, 2011;5:a1139.
- Puit, M. de, L. Koomen, M. Bouwmeester, M. de Gijt, C. Rodriquez, J. van Wout & F. de Haan (2011). Use of Physical Developer for the Visualization of Latent Fingerprints, J. For. Ident., 2011, 61, 2, 166.
- Quaak, F.C.A. & I. Kuiper (2011). Statistical data analysis of bacterial t-RFLP profiles in forensic soil comparisons (01-09-2011 | pdf-document, 0.71 MB), Forensic Science International, 210, 96-101, ISSN 0379-0738, DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2011.02.005.
- Robertson, B., G.A. Vignaux & C.E.H. Berger (2011). Extending the confusion about Bayes. Modern Law Review, 74, 444–455.
- Sjerps, M.J. (2011). Review of ‘The Double Helix and the Law of Evidence’ D.H. Kaye, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, Journal of the American Statistical Association. 106(494): 769.
- Sjerps, M.J. & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2011). Combination of evidence in complex casework using Bayesian networks (05-09-2011 | pdf-document, 63 KB). Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 63th Annual Meeting, Chicago, February 21-26, 2011, 133-134.
- Slooten, K. (2011). Validation of DNA-based identification software by computation of pedigree likelihood ratios. Forensic Science International: Genetics, Volume 5, Issue 4, August 2011, 308-315, ISSN 1872-4973
- Slooten, K. & R. Meester (2011). Forensic Identification: the Island Problem and its generalizations. Statistica Neerlandica 65, 202-237.
- Slooten, K. & R. Meester (2011). Statistical aspects of Familial Searching, Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 3, e617-e619.
- Stoel, R.D. & F. Galindo-Garre (2011). Growth curve analysis using Multilevel Regression and Structural Equation Modeling. In J.J. Hox and J.K. Roberts (Eds.). The handbook of multilevel analysis, Routledge, New York, 97-114.
- Van Houten, Wiger, Ivo Alberink & Zeno Geradts (2011). Implementation of the likelihood ratio framework for camera identification based on sensor noise patterns. Law, Probability and Risk 2011 10: 149-159.
- Veenman, C.J. & A. Bolck (2011). A Sparse Nearest Mean Classifier for a Forensic High-Dimensional Multi-Class Problem, Pattern Recognition Letters, 32, 854-859.
- Velthuis S. & M. de Puit (2011). Studies Toward the Development of a Positive control Test for the Cyanoacrylate Fuming Technique Using Artificial Sweat, J. For. Ident., 2011, 61, 1, 16.
- Verheij, S., et al. (2011). Implementation and first case results of a rapid DNA profiling service. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 3, e427–e428.
- Verheij, S., J. Harteveld & T. Sijen (2011). A protocol for direct and rapid multiplex PCR amplification on forensically relevant samples. Forensic Science International: Genetics.
- Wesselink, M. & I. Kuiper (2011). Individual identification of fox (Vulpes vulpes) in forensic wildlife investigations. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series Volume 3, Issue 1, December 2011, e214-e215. Progress in Forensic Genetics 14, doi:10.1016/j.fsigss.2011.08.107.