Wetenschappelijke publicaties 2010
- Alberink, I., A. Bolck & R. Stoel (2010). Comparison of Frequentist Methods for Estimating the Total Weight of Consignments of Drugs. Journal of forensic sciences, Volume 55, Issue 2, March 2010, 508-512.
- Bailey, J.A., E. Vermeij & R.R.R. Gerretsen (2010). Younger Gang Member’s Revolver Examined for Gunshot Residue (GSR) with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), (29-08-2011 | pdf-document, 0.31 MB) AFTE Journal, 42, 172-178.
- Benschop, C.C.G., D.C. Wiebosch, A.D. Kloosterman & T. Sijen (2010). Post-coital vaginal sampling with nylon flocked swabs improves DNA typing. Forensic Science International Genetics, 4, 115-121.
- Benschop, C.C.G., C.P. van der Beek, H.C. Meiland, A.G.M. van Gorp, A.A. Westen & T. Sijen (2010). Low template STR typing: Effect of replicate number and consensus method on genotyping reliability and DNA database search results. Forensic Science International Genetics, doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2010.06.006.
- Berger, C.E.H. Criminalistiek is terugredeneren. NJB 2010, 784-789.
- Berger, C.E.H.; Meuwly, D. Logically correct concluding and rational reasoning in evidence evaluation. Sci. Justice 2010, 50, 33.
- Berger, C.E.H. Het juiste gewicht in de schaal. Ars Aequi 2010, 499-501.
- Berger, C.E.H.; Aben, D. Bewijs en overtuiging: Rationeel redeneren sinds Aristoteles. Expertise en Recht 2010, 2, 52-56.
- Berger, C.E.H.; Aben, D. Bewijs en overtuiging: Redeneren in de rechtszaal. Expertise en Recht 2010, 3, 86-90.
- Berger, C.E.H.; Aben, D. Bewijs en overtuiging: Een helder zicht op valkuilen. Expertise en Recht 2010, 5/6, 159-165.
- Berger, C.E.H.; Sjerps, M.J. Reactie op 'Begrijpt de rechter wat ik bedoel?' Ars Aequi 2010, 816.
- Bernard, V. (2010). Discovering Criminal Behavior by Ranking Intelligence Data (01-08-2010 | pdf-document, 2.31 MB). Masters Thesis, University of Amsterdam.
- Bailey, J.A., Yishi Wang, F.R.W. van de Goot & R.R.R. Gerretsen (2010). Statistical analyses of kerf mark measurements in bone. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology, DOI: 10.1007/s12024-010-9185-6.
- Bailey, J.A., E. Vermeij & R.R.R. Gerretsen (2010). James-Younger Gang Member's Revolver Examined for Gunshot Residue (GSR) with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). AFTE Journal, Vol 42, Number 2, spring 2010.
- Bilo, Rob A. C., Simon G.F. Robben & Rick R. van Rijn (2010). Forensic Aspects of Pediatric Fractures; Differentiating Accidental Trauma from Child Abuse. ISBN: 978-3-540-78715-0.
- Bolck, A. (2010). Aan de slag met statistiek, Boom/Lemma.
- Breukelen, M.R. van, M. Hoitink & A. Poortman (2010). Comparison of P2P Seizures Using GC/MS Impurity Profiling and IRMS (05-09-2011 | pdf-document, 0.11 MB). Fourth FIRMS Conference, Washington D.C., April 12-14 2010, 81.
- Breukelen, M.R. van, F. Vogelpoel, M. Schrader, W. Wiarda, A.J.J. van Es & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2010). Discrimination of Duct Tapes Using Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (05-09-2011 | pdf-document, 0.14 MB). Fourth FIRMS Conference, Washington D.C., April 12-14 2010, 33.
- Dieltjes, P., R. Mieremet, S. Zuniga, T. Kraaijenbrink, J. Pijpe & P. de Knijff (2010). A sensitive method to extract DNA from biological traces present on ammunition for the purpose of genetic profiling (29-08-2011 | pdf-document, 0.15 MB), Int J Legal Med, DOI 10.1007/s00414-010-0454-4.
- Dogger J., M.R. van Breukelen, J.N. Hendrikse, M.A. Schrader, M. van Grol & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2010). Discrimination of Candle Wax Materials by Gas Chromatography (GC) and Isotope Radio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) (05-09-2011 | pdf-document, 0.13 MB). Fourth FIRMS Conference, Washington D.C., April 12-14 2010, 77.
- Edelman, G., I. Alberink & B. Hoogeboom (2010). Comparison of the performance of two methods for height estimation. Journal of forensic sciences, Volume 55, Issue 2, March 2010, 358-365.
- Edelman, G. & J. Bijhold (2010). Tracking people and cars using 3D modeling and CCTV. Forensic Science International, Volume 202, Issue 1, 10 October 2010, 26-35.
- Es, A.J.J., W. Wiarda, M.R. van Breukelen & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2010). Casework IRMS/ICPMS Examples in the Netherlands (05-09-2011 | pdf-document, 0.10 MB). Fourth FIRMS Conference, Washington D.C., April 12-14 2010, 76.
- Fagel, W.P.F. (2010). The International Handwriting Information System (IHIS). Database of Copybook Models and Handwriting Samples. Mannheimer Hefte für Schriftvergleichung, Issue 34, 1/2-2008 (published 2010), 2-22.
- Geradts, Z. (2010). An open source approach to video file recovery and playback, FIDIS, NFI, Digital Technology and Biometrics, The Hague, Netherlands, 0306(09)00242-1 10.1016/j.scijus.2009.11.070.
- Geradts, Z. (2010). An open source approach to video file recovery and playback, FIDIS, Science & Justice, 50 (1), 45-45.
- Geradts, Z. (2010). Linking cameras to images and videostreams with pixel response non-uniformity, FIDIS, NFI, Digital Technology and Biometrics, The Hague, 10.1016/j.scijus.2009.11.068.
- Geradts, Z. (2010). Linking cameras to images and videostreams with pixel response non-uniformity, FIDIS, Science & Justice, 50 (1), 44-44.
- Herlaar, K., J. de Koeijer, M. Fakkel-Slothouwer & H. Madhuizen (2010). Searching for discriminating features in B&W inkjet prints to individualize printers in a forensic setting. Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies 2010 (NIP 26), Austin, Texas, VS, 19-23 September 2010, 616-620.
- Himberg, K. & W. Neuteboom (2010). Forensic services and infrastructure. In series Criminal justice assessment toolkit, UNODC, Vienna.
- Hoogeboom, B. & I. Alberink (2010). Measurement uncertainty when estimating the velocity of an allegedly speeding vehicle from images. Journal of forensic sciences, Volume 55, Issue 5, September 2010, 1347-1351.
- Hout, van den, A. & I. Alberink (2010). A hierarchical model for body height estimation in images. Forensic Science International, Volume 197, Issues 1-3, April 2010, 48-53.
- Houten, W. van, Z. Geradts, K. Franke & C. Veenman (2010). Verification of Video Source Camera Competition (CAMCOM2010), ICPR 2010 conference, Heidelberg. In D. Ünay, Z. Çataltepe, and S. Aksoy (eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6388, 2010, 22-28.
- Kerstholt, Jose, Aletta Eikelboom, Tjisse Dijkman, Reinoud Stoel, Rob Hermsen & Bert van Leuven (2010). Does suggestive information cause a confirmation bias in bullet comparisons? Forensic Science International, Volume 198, Issues 1-3, 20 May 2010, 138-142.
- Klaver, C. (2010). Windows Mobile advanced forensics. Digital Investigation vol 6, 147-167.
- Klein, M.E.; Aalderink, B.J.; Berger, C.E.H.; Herlaar, K.; Koeijer, J.A. de Quantitative hyperspectral imaging technique for measuring material degradation effects and analyzing TLC plate traces. J. of the ASQDE 2010, 13, 71-81.
- Lock, C., M.R. van Breukelen & M. Koeberg (2010). Forensic Investigation of Isotopic Linkages Between Hexamine and the Peroxide Explosive HMTD (05-09-2011 | pdf-document, 0.12 MB). Fourth FIRMS Conference, Washington D.C., April 12-14 2010, 44.
- Lusthof K.J., I.J. Bosman (2010), GHB in hair - a mathematical approach to the evaluation of a possibly positive case (29-08-2011 | pdf-document, 0.52 MB), poster presentation at the 48th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT), Joint Meeting with the Society of Toxicological and Forensic Chemistry (GTFCh), Bonn, Germany, August 29 – September 2, 2010, Toxichem Krimtech; 77(3):201.
- Meijer, A.M., Reitz, E., Dekovic, M., van den Wittenboer, G.L.H. & Stoel, R.D. (2010) Longitudinal Relations between Sleep Quality, Time in Bed and Adolescent Problem Behaviour. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51, 1278-1286.
- Meulenbroek, A.J. (2010). Forensisch DNA-onderzoek in de (strafrecht)praktijk. Te onderscheiden fasen en wetenschappelijke bewijswaarde. Den Haag. NFI-publicatie, te bestellen via het NFI.
- Neuteboom, W. (2010). The Role of Specialized Research Centers and Forensic Institutes in Policy Making. Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Good Judiciary and Criminal Justice 2008, Beirut, Lebanon, 29-30 november 2008.
- Peijl, G. van der, M. van Breukelen, A. van Es & W. Wiarda (2010). Reporting of Forensic IRMS/ICPMS Results in The Netherlands (05-09-2011 | pdf-document, 0.13 MB). Fourth FIRMS Conference, Washington D.C., April 12-14 2010, 50.
- Puit, M. de (2010). An Alternative Trinity: Objectivity, Subjectivity and Transparency (29-08-2011 | pdf-document, 0.17 MB). Journal of Forensic Identification, 60, 1-3.
- Rodushkin, I., D.C. Baxter, E. Engström, J. Hoogewerff, P. Horn, W. Papesch, J. Watling, C. Latkoczy, G. van der Peijl, S. Berends-Montero, J. Ehleringer & V. Zdanowicz (2010). Elemental and isotopic characterization of cane and beet sugars. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2010.05.005.
- Sieswerda-Hoogendoorn T. & R.R. van Rijn (2010). Current techniques in postmortem imaging with specific attention to paediatric applications. Pediatric Radiology 2010 Feb 40(2) 141-52.
- Sjerps, M., A. Kloosterman & K. van der Beek (2010). De interpretatie van een DNA-databankmatch (01-02-2010 | pdf-document, 61 KB). Delikt en Delinkwent 40, aflevering 2, februari 2010, 138-155.
- Sjerps, M. & A. Kloosterman (2010). Het gebruik van Bayesiaanse netwerken in de forensische (DNA)-statistiek, Ars Aequi, 59, 502-508.
- Smink, B.E., A.C.G. Egberts, K.J. Lusthof, D.R.A. Uges & J.J. de Gier (2010). The relationship between benzodiazepine use and traffic accidents: a systematic literature review. CNS drugs 2010;24(8) 639-653.
- Soerdjbalie-Maikoe V., R.A.C. Bilo, E. van den Akker & A. Maes (2010). Niet-natuurlijk overlijden door kindermishandeling; gerechtelijke secties 1996-2009 (29-08-2011 | pdf-document, 0.13 MB). Nederlands Tijdschrift Geneeskunde; 154:A2285N.
- Soerdjbalie-Maikoe, V. & A. Maes (2010). Forensisch post mortem onderzoek bij minderjarigen. Den Haag. NFI-publicatie, te bestellen via het NFI.
- Soerdjbalie-Maikoe V. & R.R. van Rijn (2010). A case of fatal coin battery ingestion in a 2-year-old child. Forensic Science International, 20 May 2010, Volume 198 (1-3), 19-22.
- Spilt, J., Koomen, H., Thijs, T., Stoel, R.D. & Van der Leij, A. (2010). Teachers' Assessment of Antisocial Behavior in Kindergarten: Physical Aggression and Measurement Bias Across Gender. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 28, 129-138.
- Stelling, M. & A. Biezeman (2010). Sampling strategies in environmental criminal cases. Environmental Forensics. Proceedings of the 2009 INEF Annual Conference, Calgary, Canada, 1-4 September 2009, 275-288.
- Stoel R.; Berger, C.E.H.; van den Heuvel, E.; Fagel, W. De wankele kritiek op het forensisch handschriftonderzoek. NJB 2010, 2537-2541.
- Stoel, R.D. and Bolck, A. (2010). A correction to Tzidony and Ravreby (1992): 'A Statistical Approach to Drug Sampling: A Case Study'. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 55, 213-214.
- Uitdehaag, Stefan, Aleksandar Dragutinovic & Irene Kuiper (2010). Extraction of diatoms from (cotton) clothing for forensic comparisons. Forensic Science International, Volume 200, Issues 1-3, 15 July 2010, 112-116.