Wetenschappelijke publicaties 2009
- Aarts, L.H.J. & R.J. Bink (2009). The success rate of forensic DNA-profiling of contact traces on adhesive tape. European Academy of Forensic Science (EAFS), 5th Meeting, Glasgow. Book of abstracts, 150-151.
- Alewijnse, L.C., C.E. van den Heuvel, R.D. Stoel & K. Franke (2009). Analysis of signature complexity (24-08-2012 | pdf-document, 0.12 MB). Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Conference of the International Graphonomics Society: Advances in Graphonomics, Dijon: IGS, 6-9.
- Alles, E.J. †, Z.J.M.H. Geradts, & C.J. Veenman (2009). Camera Identification for Heavily JPEG Compressed Low Resolution Still Images. Journal of Forensic Science, Volume 54 Issue 3, May 2009, 628-638.
- Beek, C.P. van der (2009). ENFSI-document on DNA-database management (2009-edition).
- Berger, C.E.H. (2009). Objective paper structure comparison through processing of transmitted light images. Forensic Science International, Volume 192, 1-6.
- Berger, C.E.H. (2009). Inference of identity of source using univariate and bivariate methods. Science & Justice, Volume 49, Issue 4, 265-271.
- Berger, C.E.H. & C.J. Veenman (2009). Color Deconvolution and Support Vector Machines. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5718, 174-180.
- Bilo, R.A.C. & A.P. Oranje (2009). Kindermishandeling en de kindertandheelkunde. In Van Amerongen, W.E., L.C. Martens, G. Stel & J.S.J. Veerkamp. Kindertandheelkunde 1, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, Houten 2009, hoofdstuk 9 Kindermishandeling.
- Bilo, R.A.C., S.G.R. Robben & R.R. van Rijn (2009). Forensische aspecten van fracturen op de kinderleeftijd (1e druk). Isala series nr. 58. ISBN/EAN:978-90-74991-58-2.
- Blankers, V.L., C.E. van den Heuvel, K. Franke & L.G. Vuurpijl (2009). The ICDAR 2009 signature verification competition (24-08-2012 | pdf-document, 0.27 MB). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Document Analysis 2009, Barcelona: ICDAR, 1403-1407.
- Bolck, A., C. Schapers & C. Klaassen (2009). Assessing Uncertainty in Evidential Values. EAFS Glasgow, 8-11 Sept 2009. Oral presentation. Book of Abstracts 5th EAFS, 35-36.
- Bolck, A., C. Weyermann, L. Dujourdy, P. Esseiva & J. van den Berg (2009). Different likelihood ratio approaches to evaluate the strength of evidence of MDMA tablets comparison (24-08-2012 | pdf-document, 0.55 MB). Forensic Science International, Vol 191, 45-51.
- Bolck, A., A. Brouwer-Stamouli, C. Schapers & C. Klaassen (2009).Gunschot Residue Comparison: Assesing Evidential Value. EAFS, Glasgow, 8-11 Sept. 2009, Posterpresentation, Book of Abstracts 5th EAFS, 51-52.
- Breukelen, M.R. van, F. Vogelpoel, W. Wiarda, M.A. Schrader & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2009). Discrimination of duct-tapes using Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry. Benelux Association of Stable Isotope Scientists Annual Meeting, Brugge, 2-3 april 2009, 20.
- Broekhuijsen-van Henten, D.M., A.N. Bosschaart & H.G.T. Nijs (2009). Een blauwe plek bij een een zuigeling dient altijd verklaard te worden. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2009; 153: B378.
- Bruijning-van Dongen C.J., K. Slooten, W. Burgers & W. Wiegerinck (2009). Bayesian networks for victim identification on the basis of DNA profiles. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2, 466–468.
- Dogger, J., M. van Breukelen, J.N. Hendrikse, M.A. Schrader, M. van Grol & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2009). Discrimination of candle wax materials by Gas Chromatography (GC) and Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS). Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 61th Annual Meeting. Denver, 17-21 february 2009, 103-104.
- Edelman, G. & I. Alberink (2009). Comparison of body height estimation using bipeds or cylinders. Forensic Science International, Volume 188, Issues 1-3, July 2009, 64-67.
- Edelman, G. & I. Alberink (2009). Estimation of body heights in digital images. In Jamieson, A., Moenssens, A. (Eds).Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1624-1632.
- Edelman, G. & I. Alberink (2009). Height measurements in images: how to deal with measurement uncertainty correlated to actual height. Law, Probablity & Risk, Advance Access published on December 8.
- Es, A. van, J. de Koeijer & G. van der Peijl (2009). Discrimination of document paper by XRF, LA–ICP–MS and IRMS using multivariate statistical techniques. Science & Justice, Volume 49, Issue 2, 120-126.
- Faber, K. & M. Sjerps (2009). Anti-doping researchers should conform to certain statistical standards from forensic science. Science and Justice 49 (2009), 214–215.
- Fagel, W.P.F. (2009). ‘Forensisch handschriftonderzoek’. In: P. Boel, V. De Cloet, J. De Kinder, J. Mahieu & D. Van Varenbergh (Eds.). Handboek Forensisch Onderzoek. De mogelijkheden van het forensisch onderzoek. Politeia, Brussel, 2009, 511-525.
- Geradts & Gloe e.a (2009). Identification of Images. FIDIS Deliverable 6.8 reviewed by European Commission, May 2009.
- Geradts, Z. (2009). Use of Computers in Forensic Science. In: James Stuart, Jon Nordby. Forensic Science: An introduction to scientific and investigative techniques. CRC Press, Third Edition 2009, February 2009.
- Geradts, Z.J.M.H., K. Franke & C.J. Veenman (Eds.) (2009). Computational Forensics Third International Workshop, IWCF 2009, The Hague, The Netherlands, August 13-14, 2009, Proceedings Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Subseries: Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics, Vol. 5718 2009, X.
- Heuvel, C.E. van den, R.D. Stoel & L.C. Alewijnse (2009). Forensic investigation of perceived signature complexity. Lectures, CVs and Abstracts of the 4th Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting, Antalya: MAFS, 57-58.
- Hobbs, C.J. & R.A.C. Bilo (2009). Non-accidental trauma – clinical aspects and epidemiology of child abuse. Pediatric Radiology, Volume 39, Number 5, 457-460.
- Hoogeboom, B., I. Alberink & M. Goos (2009). Body Height Measurements in Images. Journal of Forensic Sciences, Volume 54, No. 6, 1365-1375.
- Houten, W. van & Z. Geradts (2009). Source video camera identification for multiply compressed videos originating from YouTube. Digital Investigation vol. 6, issues 1-2, 48-60.
- Houten, W. van & Z. Geradts (2009). Using Sensor Noise to Identify Low Resolution Compressed Videos from YouTube. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Computational Forensics 2009, The Hague, The Netherlands, August 13-14, 2009, 104-115.
- Houten, W. van, & Z. Geradts (2009). Source video camera identification for multiply compressed videos originating from YouTube. Digital Investigation, 7 July 2009.
- Ibrahim, S. & C.E. van den Heuvel (2009). Forensic document examiners approach to handwriting comparisons/identification. Program of the 10th International Conference on Document Analysis 2009, Barcelona: ICDAR.
- Keereweer, I. (2009). Footwear and Foot Impressions: Comparison and Identification. In Jamieson, A., Moenssens, A. (Eds). Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1230-1239.
- Keijser, J.W. de, H. Elffers, R.M. Kok & M.J. Sjerps (2009). Bijkans begrepen? Feitelijk en vermeend begrip van forensische deskundigenrapportages onder rechters, advocaten en deskundigen. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
- Kersbergen P., K. van Duijn, A.D. Kloosterman, J.T. den Dunnen, M. Kayser & P. de Knijff (2009). Developing a set of ancestry-sensitive DNA markers reflecting continental origins of humans. BioMed Central Genetics 10. 69.
- Knijff, R.M van der (2009). Embedded Systems Analysis. In Casey, E. Handbook of Digital Forensics and Investigation, Academic Press, 383-435.
- Koeberg, M. (2009). Non-invasive detection techniques for hazardous materials at the crime scene. Proceedings of the 6th Finex conference (FINEX 2009), Dublin, Ireland, 22 – 24 april 2009, 41-43.
- Kok, E.M. (2009). How EOD work on IEDs influences the subsequent forensic investigation: A case example of an unusual IED. Proceedings of the 6th Finex conference (FINEX 2009), Dublin, Ireland, 22 – 24 april 2009, 22-23.
- Koops, B. & Z. Geradts (2009). Identity-Related Crime and Forensics. In: Rannenberg, K., Royer, D., Deuker, A. (Eds.). The Future of Identity in the Information Society Challenges and Opportunities 2009, XVI.
- Meulenbroek, A.J., T.J.P. de Blaeij & A.D. Kloosterman (2009). Richtlijnen borgen onbevooroordeeld DNA-onderzoek Stapsgewijze benadering voorkomt ‘post hoc target shifting’. Expertise en Recht 6, 119-129.
- Meulenbroek, A.J. (2009). De Essenties van forensisch biologisch onderzoek; Humane biologische sporen en DNA.
- Meulenbroek, A.J. & A.D. Kloosterman (2009). DNA-onderzoek van minimale biologische sporen; gevoelige problematiek. Analyse, 64, 8.
- Meulenbroek, A.J. & M. van Ark (2009). Low Copy Number; Even betrouwbaar als ’gewoon’ DNA-onderzoek. Opportuun, 15, 5.
- Meulenbroek, A.J. & A.D. Kloosterman (2009). Stormachtige opkomst DNA-onderzoek in Nederlands strafrecht; Toenemende mogelijkheden noodzaken strafrechtsketen tot verdieping. Het Tijdschrift voor de Politie, 71, 2.
- Meuwly D. (2009) Forensic Evidence of Fingerprints. In A. Jain (Ed). Encyclopedia of Biometrics. Springer US, 528-535.
- Meuwly, D. (2009) Forensic Speaker Recognition. In Jamieson, A., Moenssens, A. (Eds).Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2389-2392.
- Meuwly, D. (2009) Friction Ridge Skin – AFIS. In Jamieson, A., Moenssens, A. (Eds).Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 249-253.
- Putte, X. van de, P. Oling & J.K. Schakel (2009). In Search for Intelligence: Automatically Estimating the Implicitness of Police Officers' Observation Messages, an Ongoing Action Research. Proceedings of the 21st Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2009). Eindhoven, Nederland, 29-30 oktober 2009, 425-432.
- Raat, R., W.M.M. Heijnen & M. Malsch (2009). Zijn rapporten van DNA-deskundigen duidelijk voor juristen? Trema 32, 157-162.
- Rijn, R.R. van, R.A.C. Bilo & S.G.F. Robben (2009). Birth-related mid-posterior rib fractures in neonates: a report of three cases (and a possible fourth case) and a review of the literature. Pediatric Radiology, 39(1), 30-34.
- Rijn, R.R. van, H.G.T. Nijs & R.A.C. Bilo (2009). Evidence based imaging in non-CNS non-accidental injury. In: Medina, L.S., Blackmore, C.C., Applegate, K.E., eds. Evidence-Based Imaging: Optimizing Imaging in Pediatric Patient Care. Springer, 2009, 177-191.
- Rijnders, M., A. Brouwer-Stamouli & A. Bolck (2009). Comparison of gunschot residue Compositions: Assesing Evidential Value. EAFS, Glasgow, 8-11 Sept. 2009, Posterpresentation, Book of Abstracts 5th EAFS, 76-77.
- Sjerps, M. & R. Meester (2009). Selection effects and database screening in forensic science. Forensic Science International 192 (2009), 56–61.
- Smink, B.E. & A.C.G. Egberts (2009). The relationship between drug use and traffic accident severity. In: Verster J.C., Pandi-Perumal S.R., Ramaekers J.G. & de Gier J.J. (Eds.). Drugs, Driving and Traffic Safety. Birkhäuser Verlag/Switzerland, 135-150.
- Soerdjbalie-Maikoe, V. & R.R. van Rijn (2009). A case of fatal coin battery ingestion in a 2-year-old child. Forensic Science International Case report.
- Stoel, R.D. (2009). Validation of the Guidelines on representative sampling. ENFSI document.
- Tomas, C., I. Bastisch, C. Børsting, A. Carracedo, M.D. Coble, A. Eisenberg, R. Fang, S. Frisk Fredslund, C. Haas, A.J. Hansen, P. Hoff-Olsen, B. Lindblom, H.S. Mogensen, M. Prinz, M. Stangegaard, P.M. Vallone, A.A. Westen & N. Morling (2009). SNP typing of forensic samples with the GenPlexTM HID system: A collaborative Study. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2, 508–509.
- Vermeij, E., W. Duvalois, R. Webb & M. Koeberg (2009). Morphology and composition of pyrotechnic residues formed at different levels of confinement. Forensic Science International 186 (2009), 68-74.
- Westen, A.A. & T. Sijen (2009). ‘Degraded DNA sample analysis using DNA repair enzymes, mini-STRs and (triallelic) SNPs’. Forensic Science International Genetics Supplement Series 2, 505-507.
- Westen, A.A., A.S. Matai, J.F. Laros, H.C. Meiland, M. Jasper, W.J. de Leeuw, P. de Knijff & T. Sijen (2009). Tri-allelic SNP markers enable analysis of mixed and degraded DNA samples. Forensic Science International Genetics 3, 233-241.
- Westen, A.A., J.H.A. Nagel, C.C.G. Benschop, N.E.C. Weiler, B.J. de Jong & T. Sijen (2009). Higher Capillary Electrophoresis Injection Settings as an Efficient Approach to Increase the Sensitivity of STR Typing. Journal of Forensic Science 54, 591-598.
- Xu, X (2009). Validation of screening methods for the detection of organic explosive compounds with the LC-(PDA)-LTQ(MS2)-Orbitrap. Proceedings of the 6th Finex conference (FINEX 2009), Dublin, Ireland, 22 – 24 april 2009, 24-27.
- Zubakov, D., M. Kokshoorn, A. Kloosterman & M. Kayser (2009). New markers for old stains: stable mRNA markers for blood and saliva identification from up to 16-year-old stains. International Journal of Legal Medicine 123 (1), 71-74.