Wetenschappelijke publicaties 2007
- Alberink I.B. & A.C.C. Ruifrok (2007). 'Performance of the FearID earprint identification system.' Forensic Science International 166, 145-154.
- Andersson, K., K. Jalava, E. Lock, Y. Finnon, H. Huizer, E. Kaa, A. Lopes, A. Poortman-van der Meer, M. Cole, J. Dahlen & E. Sippola, 'Development of a harmonised method for the profiling of amphetamines III. Development of the gas chromatographic method', Forensic Science International 2007;169(1) pp. 50-63.
- Andersson, K., K. Jalava, E. Lock, H. Huizer, E. Kaa, A. Lopes, A. Poortman-van der Meer, M. Cole, J. Dahlen & E. Sippola, 'Development of a harmonised method for the profiling of amphetamines IV. Optimisation of sample preparation'. Forensic Science International 2007;169(1), pp. 64-76.
- Andersson, K., E. Lock, K. Jalava, H. Huizer, S. Jonson, E. Kaa, A. Lopes, Y. Finnon, A. Poortman-van der Meer, E. Sippola, L. Dujourdy & J. Dahlen, 'Development of a harmonised method for the profiling of amphetamines VI. Evaluation of methods for comparison of amphetamine', Forensic Science International 2007;169(1), pp. 86-99.
- Andrew, J.J., A.J.J. van Es, J.A. de Koeijer & G. J.Q. van der Peijl ‘Discrimination of document paper by inorganic analysis and multivariate statistical techniques’ , American Academy of Forensic Sciences 59th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, February 19-24, 2007
- Andrew, J.J., A.J.J. van Es, J.A. de Koeijer & G. J.Q. van der Peijl ‘Discrimination of document paper by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)’, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 59th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, February 19-24, 2007
- Bouten, J.S., M. van Rijsbergen, & S. Donkers 'Derivation of a Transfer function for Imaging Polarimetry used in Magneto Optical Investigations of Audio Tapes in Authenticity Investigations' in: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, April 2007.
- Breeuwsma, M., Jongh, M. de, Klaver, C., Knijff, R. van der, Roeloffs, M., Forensic Data Recovery from Flash Memory (18-09-2014 | pdf-document, 2.28 MB), Small Scale Digital Forensics J. Vol. 1(1); June 2007.
- Es, A.J.J. van, J.A. de Koeijer & G.J.Q. van der Peijl ‘ Discrimination of document paper by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)’, Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 59th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, February 19-24 2007, 406
- Es, A.J.J. van, J.A. de Koeijer & G.J.Q. van der Peijl ‘Discrimination of document paper by inorganic analysis and multivariate statistical techniques’, Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 59th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, February 19-24 2007, 406-407
- Franke, K. & C.E. van den Heuvel, ‘Computational forensics: techniques, applications and challenges in the computed-based analysis of questioned documents’, “Program of the 9th International Conference on Document Analysis 2007”, Curitiba: Brazil, 23-26 September, 22.
- Geradts, Z.J.M.H, R. Zoun, ‘Forensic information of Video Information Extracted from Digital CCTV-Systems and Phones’, Proceedings American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 59th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, February 19-24, 2007, p. 184.
- Geradts, Z.JM.H., A. Ruifrok, R. Zoun, ‘Biometric Devices and Software for Facial Comparison and Iris Matching : Use in Forensic Science ?’ , Proceedings American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 59th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, February 19-24, 2007, p. 201.
- Geradts, Z.J.M.H., C. Whitcomb, A. Alberink, W. Oliver, N. Spaun, D. Vrijdag, ‘Workshop Forensic Image and Video Processing’, Proceedings American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 59th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, February 19-24, 2007, p. 36.
- Geradts, Z.J.M.H., ‘Biometric Devices and their forensic implementations’, Presentation at Conference Advanced Identification Systems, Brussels, 14-18 May 2007.
- Heuvel, C.E. van den ‘Electronic writing tablets in human movement studies and in the analysis of questioned documents’, “Abstracts of the European Network of Forensic Handwriting Experts Conference 2007”, Vilnius: Lithuania, 20-22 September 2007.
- Heuvel, C.E.van den ‘Impact of the use of electronic writing tablets in human movement studies and in the analysis of questioned documents’, “Extended Abstracts of the 7th Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Forensische Schriftuntersuchung 2007”, 6-9 June.
- Kerstholt, J.H., Paashuis R. & Sjerps M. (2007), ‘Shoe print examinations: effects of expectation, complexity and experience’, “Forensic Science International” 165: 30-34
- Koper, C., C. Van den Boom, W. Wiarda, M. Schrader, P. de Joode, G. van der Peijl & A. Bolck, 'Elemental analysis of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA): A tool to determine the synthesis method and trace links', Forensic Science International 171, 2007, pp. 171–179.
- Leufkens, T.R., A. Vermeeren, B.E. Smink, P. van Ruitenbeek & J.G. Ramaekers 'Psychomotor and actual driving performance in healthy volunteers after immediate and extended release formulations of alprazolam 1 mg' in: Psychopharmacology (Berl),2007 May, 191(4),951-959. (pdf (24-08-2012 | pdf-document, 0.18 MB))
- Lock, E., L. Aalberg, K. Andersson, J. Dahlen, M. Cole, Y. Finnon, H. Huizer, K. Jalava, E. Kaa, A. Lopes, A. Poortman-van der Meer & E. Sippola. 'Development of a harmonised method for the profiling of amphetamines V. Determination of the variability of the optimised method', Forensic Science International 2007;169(1), pp. 77-85.
- Malkoc, E. & W. Neuteboom; The current status of forensic science laboratory accreditation in Europe; For.Sci.Int., vol.167 (nos 2-3), 121-126 (2007) [special issue: selected articles of the 4th EAFS Conference June 13-16, 2006 Helsinki, Finland]
- Meijerman, L., G.J.R. Maat, R. Schulz & A. Schmeling (2007). 'Variables affecting the probability of complete fusion of the medial clavicular epiphysis', "International Journal of Legal Medicine" 2007 (121), 463-468.
- Meijerman, L., A. Thean & G.J.R Maat (2007). 'Earprints' in Thomson, T & Black, S. "Forensic Human Identification: An Introduction", CRC Press, Bocca Raton, 73-84.
- Meulenbroek, A.J., (2007) NFI, Den Haag, 'De Essenties van forensisch DNA-onderzoek'.
- Nadort, A. (2007). The hand vein pattern used as a biometric feature. Master literature thesis. Amsterdam, 2007.
- Peijl, G.J.Q. van der ‘Elements and isotopes in forensics, ICPMS and IRMS applications’, Hoorcollege VU Advanced Geochemistry course, Amsterdam, 16 april 2007
- Peijl, G.J.Q. van der ‘Isotopes and Trace Elements, Forensic applications in tracing human geographic origin and movements’, hoorcollege Leiden International Summer Course Introduction to Physical Antropology, Leiden, 4 July 2007
- Peijl, G. J.Q. van der ‘(GC-)IRMS applications for jeans and motor oil investigations’, Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 59th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, February 19-24 2007, 42
- Ruifrok, A.C.C, A. Scheenstra, J. Bijhold & R. Veldkamp (2007) 'Facial image comparison using 3D techniques' In: Facial Reconstruction. Buzug, T., Sigl, K.-M., Bongartz,J., Prufer, K., Eds. Luchterhand Publishers, BKA Research Series nr. 35, 192-198.
- Ruifrok, A. (2007). 'Gezichtsvergelijking met biometrische software' Nieuwsbrief Kwaliteitskring documenten en betaalmiddelen, oktober.
- Stamouli, A. (2007). ‘Sampling clothing for gunshot residue. The comparison of four different methods’ 14th ENFSI EWG Firearms Meeting, Prague.
- Stamouli, A., M. Duval & Musson, R. (2007). ‘The validation of the Dithiooxamide test for ISO 17025 norm accreditation purposes’ 14th ENFSI EWG Firearms Meeting, Prague.
Verschraagen, M., A. Maes, B. Ruiter, I.J. Bosman, B.E. Smink & K.J. Lusthof (2007). 'Postmortem cases involving amphetamine-based drugs in the Netherlands; comparison with driving under the influence cases'. Forensic Science International, 2007; 170: 163-70.
- Visser, H.A.A.H., M. Visser-van Leeuwen & H. Huizer, 'Residual solvents in methylenedioxymethamphetamine tablets as a source of strategic information and as a tool for comparative analysis: the development and application of a static headspace gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method,' Bulletin on Narcotics, Vol. LVII, Nos 1 and 2, 2005, pp. 167-181.
- Weyermann, C., R. Marquis, C. Delaporte, P. Esseiva, E. Lock, L. Aalberg, J.S. Bozenko Jr., S. Dieckmann, L. Dujourdy & F. Zrcek, ‘Drug intelligence based on MDMA tablets data; I. Organic impurities profiling’, Forensic Science International 2007 accepted for publication.