Wetenschappelijke publicaties 2003
- Bijhold, J. (2003), 'Gesichtsbildvergleich mit Hilfe eines 3-d-laser-Abtastsystems zur Erstellung von Referenzbildern', Proc. international conference on reconstruction of soft facial parts, 10-12 november 2003, Potsdam.
- Bolck, A., Coyle., B. Cardetti, H. Huizer, M. Perrin & S. Sciavone (2003), 'Guidelines on drugs sampling', ENFSI.
- Boom van den, C.P.H., M.M. van Deursen, A. Bolck, A.M. Dobney, W. Wiarda, P. de Joode & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2003), 'Xtc characterisation using icp-ms', "Forensic Science International" 136, 98-99.
- Bosman, I.J. & K.J. Lusthof (2003), 'Forensic cases involving the use of ghb in the Netherlands', "Forensic Science International" 133, 17-21.
- Broeders, A.P.A. (2003), Op zoek naar de bron: over de grondslagen van de criminalistiek en de waardering van het forensisch bewijs, Kluwer, Deventer.
- Broeders, A.P.A. (2003), 'Hoge verwachtingen', "Nederlands Juristenblad" 36, 1905-1907.
- Broeders, A.P.A. (2003), 'The role of the forensic expert in an inquisitorial system', P.J. van Koppen & S.D. Penrod (red.) Adversarial versus inquisitorial justice: psychological perspectives on criminal justice systems, New York, Plenum, 45-253.
- Bruyn de, P.C.A.M. (2003), 'Informatieblad Ricine', hoofden technische recherche, april 2003.
- Dobney, A.M., W. Wiarda, P. de Joode & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2003), 'Icpms for forensic investigations: the NFI experience', "Forensic Science International" 136, 360-361.
- Dobney, A.M., W. Wiarda, P. de Joode, & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2003), 'Forensic comparison of packaging tapes - an elemental and isotopic perspective', Proceedings 51st ASMS Conference, 2003, Montréal, Canada', "Forensic Science International" 136, 352-353.
- Eijkel van den, A.K. (2003), 'A case for environmental traces', "Forensic Science International" 136, 107-108.
- Geradts Z. (2003), 'Mijn beste Watson, gebruik je hersens toch', in G. Bakker e.a. Facetten van fraude en fraudebestrijding, Koninklijke Vermande, forensische studies, deel II: 73-84.
- Geradts, Z. & A. Ruifrok (2003), 'Extracting forensic evidence from biometric devices', Vol. 5108 SPIE proceedings, "Visual Information Processing" VII.
- Hordijk, M., W. Wiarda, P. de Joode, G.J.Q. van der Peijl & S. Montero (2003), 'la-icp-ms method for the elemental profiling of forensic glass: a study of a float glass sample set collected in the Netherlands', "Forensic Science International" 136, 358-359.
- Kerstholt, J.A., E.J.M. Jansen, A.G. van Amelsvoort & A.P.A. Broeders (2003), 'Earwitness line-ups: effects of speech uration, retention interval and acoustic environment on identification accuracy', Proceedings of the 8th European conference on speech communication and technology, eurospeech 2003: Genève, 1146-1149.
- Kloosterman, A.D. & P. Kersbergen (2003), 'Efficacy and limits of genotyping low copy number (lcn) dna samples by multiplex pcr of str loci', "Journal de la Société de Biologie" 197 (4), 351-359.
- Kwee A.B., B. Kubat & W.S. Kwee (2003), 'ws Diagnostic image (166) sudden death in a young woman. Cyst of the pinealis gland with a prominent cerebellar tonsillar herniation', "Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde" 147: 2327.
- Meester R. & M. Sjerps (2003), 'The evidential value in the dna database search controversy and the two-stain problem', "Biometrics" 59, 727-73'.
- Niewoehner L., Ph.D. H.W. Wenz, Ph.D. J. Andrasko, R. Beijer and L. Gunaratnam (2003), 'Enfsi proficiency test program on identifcation of gsr by sem/edx', "Journal of Forensic Sciences" 48(4): 786-792.
- Peijl van der, G.J.Q., R. de Bruijn & X. Xu (2003), 'Shampoo investigations in relation to a rape case', "Forensic Science International" 136, 351-352.
- Ruifrok, A.C.C., M. Goos, B.Hoogeboom, D.Vrijdag & J.Bijhold (2003) 'Facial image comparison using a 3D laser scanning system' Vol. 5108 SPIE proceedings, "Visual Information Processing" VII.
- Sjerps, M. & I. Keereweer ‘A Likelihood Ratio View on the Interpretation of Shoeprint Evidence’, Proceedings Shoe Print and Tool Mark examination (SPTM) 2001
- Sjerps M., ‘Pros and Cons of Bayesian Reasoning in Forensic Science’, in: J.F. Nijboer and W.J.M. Sprangers (eds) “Harmonisation in Forensic Expertise”, Series Criminal Sciences, Amsterdam: Thela Thesis, 2000, pp 557-585.
- Sjerps, M.J., R.E.F. Massier & W.A. Wagenaar (1996). ‘Expressing expert opinion using a verbal probability scale’, “Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference for Police and Government handwri¬ting experts”, The Hague, the Netherlands ,13-15 November 1996
- Sjerps M., N. vd Geest, C. Pieron, M. Gajadhar, & A.D. Kloosterman (1995). ‘A Dutch population study of the STR loci HUMTHO1, HUMFES/FPS, HUMVWA31/1, and HUMF13A1, conducted for forensic purposes’, “International Journal of Legal Medicine”, 108 (3), 127-134
- Sjerps, M. & A.D. Kloosterman (2003), 'Statistical aspects of interpreting dna profiling in legal cases', "Statistica Neerlandica" 57(3), 368-389.
- Stelling, M.A. & F.J.M. Bakker (2003), 'Assessment of health risks in legal cases concerning asbestos exposure', "Forensic Science International" 136, 115-116.
- Stelling, M.A. & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2003), 'Analytical chemical tools in wildlife forensics', "Forensic Science International" 136, 381-382.
- Vermeij, E.J. & R. Knoop (2003), 'The characterization of building materials', "Forensic Science International" 136, 106.
- Wiarda, W., R. de Bruijn & G.J.Q. van der Peijl (2003), 'Analytical chemistry for environmental forensics', "Forensic Science International" 136, 109-110.
- Xu, X. & A.M. van de Craats & P.C.A.M. de Bruyn (2003), 'Highly sensitive screening method for the detection of nitroaromatic, nitramine and nitrate ester explosives by high performance liquid chromatography - atmospheric pressure ionisation - mass spectrometry (hplc-api-ms) in forensic applications', Journal of Forensic Sciences.