
De hoeveelheid te onderzoeken data en databronnen in strafzaken, voornamelijk in fraude-, moord- en kinderpornozaken, neemt razendsnel toe. Om de effectiviteit en snelheid van dit onderzoek te vergroten, heeft het Nederlands Forensisch Instituut (NFI) de forensische zoekmachine Hansken ontwikkeld.

Met Hansken kan de politie snel en efficiënt zoeken in grote hoeveelheden in beslaggenomen gegevensdragers als computers en mobiele telefoons. Op alles wat relevant kan zijn, kan worden gezocht, bijvoorbeeld op woorden en namen of eigenschappen van sporen zoals bijvoorbeeld alleen mails, chatberichten of foto’s al dan niet gemaakt met een bepaalde camera.

Onderzoekers kunnen met de forensische zoekmachine de zoekresultaten blijven filteren totdat je van die miljoenen sporen een selectie hebt, waarvan de bestanden één voor één te bekijken zijn.

Met Hansken kan de politie snel en efficiënt zoeken in grote hoeveelheden in beslaggenomen gegevensdragers als computers en mobiele telefoons.

This animation is an introduction to the tool for and by governmental organizations in the field of law enforcement, called Hansken. Hansken is a data-analysis platform that makes data insightful, accessible, and searchable. 

The logo of Hansken appears: an elephant.  

VOICE-OVER: "Digital data is becoming increasingly important for investigating suspects and as evidence in criminal cases. With the number of new devices, apps and channels growing rapidly, the amount of data also keeps increasing exponentially. Investigators are challenged with quickly finding relevant information in this overwhelming amount of data. Traditional applications typically cannot process enough data in a short period of time and are often only accessible to digital experts. Therefore, investigators often depend on these experts for searching through the data and finding evidence. The experts, however, don’t really know the case and exactly what to look for, which causes delays in the investigation process. Our solution? Hansken. An innovative data-analysis platform that makes massive amounts of data insightful, accessible, and searchable. Hansken provides several advantages: It is convenient for users with different backgrounds, such as digital experts, analysts, and case investigators."

Text on screen: Hansken Academy

VOICE-OVER: "The Hansken Academy offers courses for new and existing users to keep up with necessary skills."

Text on screen: Hansken Community

VOICE-OVER: "In the Hansken Community, the Hansken users share knowledge and software and work together on future developments. Organizations can build their own plug-ins and add other functions. And because Hansken is an open platform, new techniques can be implemented fast. Hansken provides trustworthy results that meet legal, forensic and security requirements. Hansken is a tool for and by governmental organizations in the field of law enforcement. The growing international Hansken Community consists of law enforcement and security agencies. For example, police forces and Special Investigation Services. Other participants include the Public Prosecution Services, Forensic Institutes and academia. Because of this unique collaboration, Hansken leads the way in the world of digital forensic investigation. Hansken: Investigate. Innovate. Share."

Text on screen: Investigate. Innovate. Share. Want to know more? Visit hansken.org

The logo of Hansken appears.